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First 282 results for ” J Jacobeit”

  1. Circulation dynamics and its influence on European and Mediterranean January-April climate over the past half millennium: Results and insights from instrumental data, documentary evidence and coupled climate models

    J Luterbacher, SJ Koenig, J Franke, G van der Schrier, E Zorita, A Moberg, J Jacobeit, PM Della-Marta, K, E Xoplaki, D Wheeler, T Rutishauer, M St, H Wanner, A van Engelen | Status: published | Journal: Climatic Change | Year: 2010 | doi: 10.1007/s10584-009-9782-0


  2. KALCORR: a kalman-correction model for real-time road surface temperature forecasting

    KALCORR: a kalman-correction model for real-time road surface temperature forecasting

    A. Jacobs | Year: 1997 | Pages: 25


  3. Een Kalman-correctieschema voor de wegdektemperatuurverwachtingen van het VAISALA- model

    Een Kalman-correctieschema voor de wegdektemperatuurverwachtingen van het VAISALA- model

    A. Jacobs | Year: 1995 | Pages: 39


  4. On the connection between upper atmospheric dynamics and tropospheric parameters: Correlation between mesopause region winds and the North Atlantic Oscillation.

    The middle- and high-latitude stratospheric and mesospheric wind field in winter is dominated by ...

    C Jacobi, B Beckmann | Status: published | Journal: Climatic Change | Volume: 43 | Year: 1999 | First page: 629 | Last page: 643


  5. First Guess TAF - FGTAF

    The production of TAFs is a time consuming business and is partly based on routine. Especially du...

    AJM Jacobs | Year: 1998 | Pages: 20
