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First 135 results for ” J Vogt”

  1. Projection of occurrence of extreme dry-wet years and seasons in Europe with stationary and non-stationary Standardized Precipitation Index

    S Russo, A Dosio, A Sterl, P Barbosa, J Vogt | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 118 | Year: 2013 | First page: 7628 | Last page: 7639 | doi: 10.1002/jgrd.50571


  2. The energy balance experiment EBEX-2000. Part III: Behaviour and quality of the radiation measurements

    W Kohsiek, C Liebethal, T Foken, R Vogt, SP Oncley, C Bernhofer, HAR de Bruin | Status: published | Journal: Bound.-Layer Meteorol. | Volume: 123 | Year: 2007 | First page: 55 | Last page: 75 | doi: 10.1007/s10546-006-9135-8


  3. The ECMWF land surface scheme extended with a photosynthesis and LAI module tested for a coniferous site

    The stomatal conductance scheme and vegetation evolution module that are employed in the ISBA­A­g...

    M Voogt, BJJM van den Hurk, C Jacobs | Year: 2006 | Pages: 22


  4. SDP 2.0 validation

    The SeaWinds Data Processor (SDP) generates ocean vector wind fields from the measurements of the...

    J Vogelzang | Year: 2008


  5. Variational Quality Control in 2DVAR

    In this report various existing methods for variational quality control are compared.

    J Vogelzang | Year: 2008
