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First 652 results for ” João A. M. Careto”

  1. Convection-permitting climate models offer more certain extreme rainfall projections

    Extreme precipitation events lead to dramatic impacts on society and the situation will worsen un...

    Giorgia Fosser, Marco Gaetani, Elizabeth J. Kendon, Marianna Adinolfi, Nikolina Ban, Danijel Belušić, Cécile Caillaud, João A. M. Careto, Erika Coppola, Marie-Estelle Demory, Hylke de Vries, Andreas Dobler, Hendrik Feldmann, Klaus Goergen, Geert Lenderink, Emanuela Pichelli, Christoph Schär, Pedro M. M. Soares, Samuel Somot & Merja H. Tölle | Journal: npj climate and atmospheric science | Volume: 7 | Year: 2024 | doi: 10.1038/s41612-024-00600-w


  2. End-to-END Mission/System Performance Simulation. ECSIM SYSTEM USER’S Manual

    This document has been produced by DEIMOS within the frame of the ECSIM project and represents th...

    JJ Ramos, JR Acaretta, DP Donovan | Year: 2008


  3. First retrieval of cloud phase from SCIAMACHY spectra around 1.6 micron

    JR Accareta, P Stammes, WH Knap | Status: published | Journal: Atmospheric Research | Volume: 72 | Year: 2004 | First page: 89 | Last page: 105


  4. Effects of QVD Diffuser Spectral Features on Level 2 DOAS Data Products

    JP Veefkind, KF Boersma, JR Acaretta | Year: 2002


  5. Three Ways Forward to Improve Regional Information for Extreme Events: An Early Career Perspective

    This paper provides an early career researchers (ECRs) perspective on major challenges and opport...

    Gaby S Langendijk, Caroline Aubry-Wake, Marisol Osman, Carla Gulizia, Faten Attig-Bahar, Erik Behrens, André Bertoncini, Neil Hart, Victor S Indasi, Silvia Innocenti, Eveline C Van Der Linden, Nabir Mamnun, Kabir Rasouli, Kevin A Reed, Nina Ridder, Juan Rivera, Romina Ruscica, Bethel U Ukazu, Jakub P Walawender, Dean P Walker, Beth J Woodhams, Yeliz A Yılmaz | Journal: Frontiers in Environmental Science | Volume: 7 | Year: 2019 | doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2019.00006
