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First 2119 results for ” Katja Winger”

  1. Mesoscale weather systems and their interactions with windfarms: A study for the Kattegat.

    Before an off-shore wind farm is built a thorough resource assessment of all available locations ...

    Jérôme Neirynck, Ad Stoffelen, Johan Meyers, Nicole van Lipzig | Journal: EGU General Assembly | Year: 2022 | doi:


  2. Windverwachting voor 12 en 24 uur vooruit op 850 mbar door het BK-3 model en de relatie tussen de geostrofische wind op 850 mbar en de gemeten wind van de meetpaal Katwijk

    Windverwachting voor 12 en 24 uur vooruit op 850 mbar door het BK-3 model en de relatie tussen de...

    L.C. Heijboer | Year: 1973 | Pages: 40


  3. Abrupt cooling over the North Atlantic in modern climate models

    Observations over the 20th century evidence no long-term warming in the subpolar North Atlantic (...

    G Sgubin, D Swingedouw, SS Drijfhout | Status: accepted | Journal: Nature Communications | Volume: 8 | Year: 2017 | doi:


  4. Interactions of sea and atmosphere

    Interactions of sea and atmosphere

    J. A. Businger | Year: 1975 | Pages: 42


  5. A Study on Combined C- and Ku-Band Rain Effects for Wind Scatterometry Quality Control

    Scatterometers provide consistent observations of ocean surface wind with reliable quality. In tr...

    Xingou Xu, Saibun Tjuatja, Ad Stoffelen, Xiaolong Dong | Journal: IGARSS 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium | Year: 2020 | doi:
