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First 1659 results for ” Leandro Garcia”

  1. A comparison of content from across contemporary Australian population health surveys

    Objective Associations between place and population health are of interest to researchers and ...

    Branislava Godic, Selin Akaraci, Rajith Vidanaarachchi, Kerry Nice, Sachith Seneviratne, Suzanne Mavoa, Ruth Hunter, Leandro Garcia, Mark Stevenson, Jasper Wijnands, Jason Thompson | Journal: Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health | Volume: 48 | Year: 2024 | First page: 100152 | doi:


  2. Simulation of precipitation and discharge extremes of the river Meuse in current and future climate

    The river Meuse is the second largest river in the Netherlands and is characterized by strong var...

    R Leander | University: Universiteit Utrecht | Year: 2009


  3. Current challenges in monitoring, discrimination and management of induced seismicity related to underground industrial activities: a European perspective

    Due to the deep socioeconomic implications, induced seismicity is a timely and increasingly relev...

    F Grigoli, S Cesca, A Pio Rinaldi, JF Clinton, TA Stabile, E Priolo, B Dost, M Garcia Fernandez, S Wiemer, T Dahm | Status: submitted | Journal: Reviews of Geophysics | Volume: 55 | Year: 2017 | doi:


  4. The Changing Earth Science Network -Projects and Results from the First Call

    To better understand the different processes and interactions that govern the earth system and to...

    S Dransfeld, D Fernandez, M Doron, E Martinez, J Shutler, E Papandrea, J Biggs, KF Dagestad, E Palazzi, M Garcia-Comas, M de Graaf, O Schneising, PO Pavón | Conference: ESA Living Planet Symposium | Organisation: ESA | Place: Bergen, Norway | Year: 2010 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  5. Human influence on growing-period frosts like the early April 2021 in Central France

    In early April 2021 several days of harsh frost affected central Europe. This led to very severe ...

    Vautard, R., van Oldenborgh, G. J., Bonnet, R., Li, S., Robin, Y., Kew, S., Philip, S., Soubeyroux, J.-M., Dubuisson, B., Viovy, N., Reichstein, M., Otto, F., and Garcia de Cortazar-Atauri, I | Journal: NHESSD | Year: 2022 | doi:
