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First 1091 results for ” ML Kooreman”

  1. Spaceborne Sun-Induced Vegetation Fluorescence Time Series from 2007 to 2015 Evaluated with Australian Flux Tower Measurements

    A global, monthly averaged time series of Sun-induced Fluorescence (SiF), spanning January 2007 t...

    AFJ Sanders, WW Verstraeten, ML Kooreman, TC van Leth, J Beringer, J Joiner | Status: published | Journal: Remote Sensing | Volume: 8 | Year: 2016 | First page: 895 | doi: 10.3390/rs8110895


  2. Effects of clouds on the UV Absorbing Aerosol Index from TROPOMI

    The ultraviolet (UV) Absorbing Aerosol Index (AAI) is widely used as an indicator for the presenc...

    ML Kooreman, P Stammes, VJH Trees, MC Sneep, LG Tilstra, M de Graaf, DC Stein Zweers, P Wang, ONE Tuinder, JP Veefkind | Status: published | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 13 | Year: 2020 | First page: 6407 | Last page: 6426 | doi: 10.5194/amt-13-6407-2020


  3. Improved SIFTER v2 algorithm for long-term GOME-2A satellite retrievals of fluorescence with a correction for instrument degradation

    Solar-induced fluorescence (SIF) data from satellites are increasingly used as a proxy for photos...

    E. van Schaik, M.L. Kooreman, P. Stammes, L.G. Tilstra, O.N.E. Tuinder, A.F.J. Sanders, W.W. Verstraeten, R. Lang, A. Cacciari, J. Joiner, W. Peters, K.F. Boersma | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 13 | Year: 2020 | doi:


  4. Stationsbeschrijving windwaarneming Den Helder periode 1843-1972; De Kooy periode 1955-1980

    Stationsbeschrijving windwaarneming Den Helder periode 1843-1972; De Kooy periode 1955-1980 

    B. Oemraw | Year: 1984 | Pages: 116


  5. A compound Weibull model for the description of surface wind velocity distributions

    A compound Weibull model for the description of surface wind velocity distributions

    P.J. Rijkoort | Year: 1983 | Pages: 127
