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First 3516 results for ” PCF van der Vaart”

  1. Stability of multi-layer ocean vortices: a parameter study including realistic Gulf Stream and Agulhas Rings

    Ocean rings, when isolated from major ocean currents, can have life spans on the order of years. ...

    CA Katsman, PCF van der Vaart, HA Dijkstra, WPM de Ruijter | Status: published | Journal: J. Phys. Oceanogr. | Volume: 33 | Year: 2003 | First page: 1197 | Last page: 1218


  2. "FRAME 81", verslag over de vaartocht a/b Hr.Ms. Tydeman in de periode v/m 10 augustus t/m 7 september 1981

    "FRAME 81", verslag over de vaartocht a/b Hr.Ms. Tydeman in de periode v/m 10 augustus t/m 7 sept...

    G.J. Prangsma | Year: 1981 | Pages: 35


  3. On instrumental errors and related correction strategies of ozonesondes: possible effect on calculated ozone trends for the nearby sites Uccle and De Bilt

    R van Malderen, MAF Allaart, ........ | Status: published | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 9 | Year: 2016 | First page: 3793 | Last page: 3816 | doi: doi:10.5194/amt-9-3793-2016


  4. Berekening van dagsommen van globale straling met behulp van der circumglobale straling te De Bilt

    Berekening van dagsommen van globale straling met behulp van der circumglobale straling te De Bil...

    H.J. de Boer | Year: 1960 | Pages: 23


  5. Climatological data for the North Sea based on observations by voluntary observing ships

    Climatological data for the North Sea based on observations by voluntary observing ships

    C.G. Korevaar | Year: 1989 | Pages: 175
