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First 1663 results for ” Parvin Ghafarian”

  1. Wind field and gust climatology of the Persian Gulf during 1988–2010 using in-situ, reanalysis and satellite sea surface winds

    This study aimed to investigate the wind-field and gust climatology of the Persian Gulf (PG), usi...

    Elaheh Owlad, Ad Stoffelen, Parvin Ghafarian, Siavash Gholami | Journal: Regional Studies in Marine Science | Volume: 52 | Year: 2022 | doi:


  2. A variational data assimilation system for ground-based GPS slant delays

    H Jarvinen, R Eresmaa, H Vedel, K Salonen, S Niemela, J de Vries | Status: published | Journal: Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc. | Year: 2007 | First page: 969 | Last page: 980 | doi: 10.1002/gj.79


  3. On the Utility of Individual Tendency Output: Revealing Interactions between Parameterized Processes during a Marine Cold Air Outbreak

    Forecasts of marine cold air outbreaks critically rely on the interplay of multiple parameterizat...

    Marvin Kähnert, Harald Sodemann, Wim C. de Rooy, and Teresa M. Valkonen | Journal: Weather and Forecasting | Volume: 36 | Year: 2021 | First page: 1985 | Last page: 2000 | doi: 10.1175/WAF-D-21-0014.1


  4. The impact of Atmospheric Transport on the Tropical Tropospheric Composition

    M Zachariasse | University: Ph.D. Thesis Techn. University | Year: 2002


  5. Evaluation of extreme precipitation over Southeast Asia in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 regional climate model results and HighResMIP global climate models

    Modelling rainfall extremes and dry periods over the Southeast Asia (SEA) region is challenging d...

    Mugni Hadi Hariadi, Gerard van der Schrier, Gert-Jan Steeneveld, Dian Nur Ratri, Ardhasena Sopaheluwakan, Albert Klein Tank, Edvin Aldrian, Dodo Gunawan, Marie-Pierre Moine, Alessio Bellucci, Retish Senan, Etienne Tourigny, Dian Ariyani Putrasahan, Utoyo Ajie Linarka | Journal: Int. J. Climatol. | Volume: 43 | Year: 2023 | First page: 1639 | Last page: 1659 | doi: 10.1002/joc.7938
