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First 14 results for ” QD Gao”

  1. Extension of the 3rd generation ocean wave model with refraction

    Extension of the 3rd generation ocean wave model with refraction 

    Q.D. Gao | Year: 1986 | Pages: 14


  2. A primary experiment of statistical interpolation schemes used in sea wave data assimilation

    A primary experiment of statistical interpolation schemes used in sea wave data assimilation

    Gao Quanduo | Year: 1990 | Pages: 21


  3. Wave-data assimilation in the operational North Sea wave model NEDWAM

    G Burgers, QD Gao, M de las Heras | Conference: International symposium on assimilation of observa | Organisation: WMO | Place: Clermont-Ferrand | First page: 623 | Last page: 625


  4. Measurement and interpolation uncertainties in rainfall maps from cellular communication networks

    Accurate measurements of rainfall are important in many hydrological and meteorological applicati...

    MF Rios Gaona, A Overeem, H Leijnse, R Uijlenhoet | Status: published | Journal: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences | Volume: 19 | Year: 2015 | First page: 3571 | Last page: 3584 | doi: 10.5194/hess-19-3571-2015


  5. Wave data assimilation for operational wave forecasting at the North Sea

    G Burgers, VK Makin, QD Gao, M de las Heras | Conference: 3rd international workshop on wave hindcasting and | Place: Montreal | First page: 202 | Last page: 209
