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First 1267 results for ” RC Easter”

  1. Subseasonal Statistical Forecasts of Eastern U.S. Hot Temperature Events

    Extreme summer temperatures can cause severe societal impacts. Early warnings can aid societal pr...

    S Vijverberg, M Schmeits, K van der Wiel, D Coumou | Status: published | Journal: Mon. Wea. Rev. | Volume: 148 | Year: 2020 | First page: 4799 | Last page: 4822 | doi: 10.1175/MWR-D-19-0409.1


  2. Impact of precipitation and increasing temperatures on drought trends in eastern Africa

    In Eastern Africa droughts can cause crop failure and lead to food insecurity. With increasing te...

    SF Kew, SY Philip, M Hauser, M Hobbins, N Wanders, GJ van Oldenborgh, K van der Wiel, TIE Veldkamp, J Kimutai, C Funk, FEL Otto | Status: published | Journal: Earth System Dynamics | Volume: 12 | Year: 2021 | First page: 17 | Last page: 35 | doi:


  3. An attribution study of very intense rainfall events in Eastern Northeast Brazil

    Severe floods and landslides in Eastern Northeast Brazil in May 2022 led to severe impacts with h...

    Francisco das Chagas Vasconcelos Junior, Mariam Zachariah, Thiago Luiz do Vale Silva, Edvânia Pereira dos Santos, Caio AS Coelho, Lincoln M Alves, Eduardo Sávio Passos Rodrigues Martins, Alexandre C Köberle, Roop Singh, Maja Vahlberg, Victor Marchezini, Dorothy Heinrich, Lisa Thalheimer, Emmanuel Raju, Gerbrand Koren, Sjoukje Y Philip, Sarah F Kew, Rémy Bonnet, Sihan Li, Wenchang Yang, Jingru Sun, Gabriel Vecchi, Friederike EL Otto | Journal: Weather and Climate Extremes | Volume: 45 | Year: 2024 | First page: 100699 | doi:


  4. Watertemperatuur- en zoutgehaltewaarnemingen nabij het Loodijksegat (Oosterschelde) 1921-heden = observations of surface watertemperature and salinity in the eastern part of the Easterscheldt 1921 till present

    Watertemperatuur- en zoutgehaltewaarnemingen nabij het Loodijksegat (Oosterschelde) 1921-heden = ...

    P.C.T. van der Hoeven en J. Muijsert | Year: 1983 | Pages: 66


  5. Satellite observations and model simulations of tropospheric NO2 columns over south-eastern Europe

    Satellite observations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) tropospheric columns over south-eastern Europe a...

    I Zyrichidou, ME Koukouli, DS Balis, E Katragkou, D Melas, A Poupkou, I Kioutsioukis, RJ van der A, KF Boersma, M Van Roozendael, A Richter | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Year: 2009 | First page: 6119 | Last page: 6134 | doi:
