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First 1502 results for ” S Calabretta-Jongen”

  1. Daily air quality forecasts, experiences with CHIMERE interfacing to HIRLAM data

    GT Geertsema, S Calabretta-Jongen, H Eskes | Journal: Hirlam Newsletter | Year: 2008 | First page: 79 | Last page: 86


  2. Improving ozone forecasts over Europe by synergistic use of the LOTOS-EUROS chemical transport model and in-situ measurements

    RL Curier, R Tmmermans, S Calabretta-Jongen, H Eskes, A Segers, D Swart, M Schaap | Status: published | Journal: Atmos. Environm. | Volume: 60 | Year: 2012 | First page: 217 | Last page: 226 | doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.06.017


  3. Verbeteringsmogelijkheden voor effectberekeningen bij chemische calamiteiten

    Samenvatting In het kader van het NMDC innovatieproject Luchtkwaliteit en externe veiligheid is o...

    ES Kooi, H Boot, GT Geertsema | Year: 2012


  4. Beyond the forecast: knowledge gaps to anticipate disasters in armed conflict areas with high forced displacement

    Although conflict-affected populations are often exposed to and severely impacted by disasters, l...

    Jaime, Catalina, de Perez, Erin Coughlan, van Aalst, Maarten, Easton-Calabria, Evan | Journal: Environ Res Lett | Volume: 19(2) | Year: 2024 | First page: 023001 | doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad2023


  5. SCIAMACHY cloud product validation

    N Fournier, P Stammes, JR Acaretta, H Eskes, AJM Piters, M Hess, A von Bargen, A Kokhanovsky, M Grzegorski | Organisation: ESRIN | Place: Frascati | Year: 2004 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0
