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First 889 results for ” S Raasch”

  1. Orkaan Sandy raast over noordoosten VS

    Het drukbevolkte gebied aan de oostkust van de Verenigde Staten heeft het in de avond van 29 okto...

    R van Dorland | Journal: Zenit | Volume: 39 | Year: 2012 | First page: 37


  2. Derivation of structure parameters in the convective boundary layer from large-eddy simulations and implications for the interpretation of scintillometer observations

    B Maronga, AF Moene, D van Dinther, S Raasch, FC Bosveld, B Gioli | Status: published | Journal: Bound.-Layer Meteorol. | Year: 2013 | doi: 10.1007/s10546-013-9801-6


  3. Model inter-comparison on transport and chemistry – report on model inter-comparison performed within European Commission FP5 project EVERGREEN (Global satellite observation of greenhouse gas emissions)

    A comprehensive inter-comparison of 5 atmospheric chemistry transport models (TM5, TM4, TM3, IMAG...

    P Bergamaschi, JF Meirink, et al. | Year: 2006


  4. Inverse modeling of European CH4 emissions 2001–2006

    P Bergamaschi, M Krol, JF Meirink, et al. | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 115 | Year: 2010 | First page: D22309 | doi: 10.1029/2010JD014180


  5. New TM5-4DVAR inverse modelling system to estimate global and European CH4 sources

    A new, 4-dimensional variational (4DVAR) inverse modelling system has been developed for inverse ...

    P Bergamaschi, JF Meirink, M Krol, MG Villani | Conference: Atmospheric monitoring and inverse modelling for verification of national and EU bottom-up GHG inventories | Organisation: JRC | Place: Casa Don Guanella, Ispra, Italy | Year: 2007 | First page: 54 | Last page: 59
