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First 95 results for ” T Kraft”

  1. GEISER Deliverable D6.2 - Seismic Monitoring Strategies

    GEISER Deliverable D6.2 presents the results of Task 6.2 in Work Package 6. The objective of the ...

    D Kraaijpoel, T Kraft, A Tramelli, G de Natale, C Troise, M Orazi, V Oye, D Kuhn, B Goertz-Allmann, J Douglas, A Jupe | Year: 2013


  2. Een eenvoudig model voor de berekening van de verandering in ionendichtheid van de E-laag veroorzaakt door een inwendige zwaarte krachtgolf

    Een eenvoudig model voor de berekening van de verandering in ionendichtheid van de E-laag veroorz...

    H. Kelder | Year: 1975 | Pages: 29


  3. Who should measure air quality in modern cities? The example of decentralization of urban air quality monitoring in Krasnoyarsk (Siberia, Russia)

    Researchers have warned that the paradigm about who should measure air quality (AQ) in cities can...

    L. D. Labzovskii, J. D. Vande Hey, A. A. Romanov, P. Golovatina-Mora, D. Belikov, A. Lashkari, S. Takele Kenea, E. Hekman. Environmental Science and Policy | Journal: Environmental Science and Policy | Year: 2023 | doi:


  4. Reconstruction of the 2018 tsunamigenic flank collapse and eruptive activity at Anak Krakatau based on eyewitness reports, seismo-acoustic and satellite observations

    After several months of eruptive activity, the subaerial cone of Anak Krakatau collapsed on Decem...

    A Perttu, C Caudron, JD Assink, D Metz, D Tailpied, B Perttu, C Hibert, D Nurfiani, C Pilger, M Muzli, D Fee, O Andersen, B Taisne | Status: published | Journal: Earth and Planetary Science Letters | Volume: 541 | Year: 2020 | doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116268


  5. Sunshine is an important determinant of vitamin D status even among high-dose supplement users: secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial in Crohn's disease patients

    Sunshine is considered to be the most important source of vitamin D. Due to an increased risk of ...

    F O'Sullivan, T Raftery, M van Weele, J van Geffen, D McNamara, C O'Morain, N Mahmud, D Kelly, M Healy, M O'Sullivan, L Zgaga | Status: published | Journal: Photochem. and Photobiol. | Volume: 95 | Year: 2019 | First page: 1060 | Last page: 1067 | doi: 10.1111/php.13086
