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First 834 results for ” YO Romanyuk”

  1. Total ozone columns and vertical ozone profiles above Kiev in 2005-2008

    Total ozone columns and vertical ozone profiles above Kiev in 2005-2008 A.V. Shavrina1, M. Kroon2...

    AV Shavrina, M Kroon, VA Sheminova, YV Pavlenko, AA Veles, II Synyavski, YO Romanyuk | Status: published | Journal: Kosmichna Nauka i Tekhnologiya | Volume: 16 | Year: 2010 | First page: 3 | Last page: 12 | doi: ISSN 1561-8889


  2. Tropospheric ozone columns and ozone profiles for Kiev in 2007

    Tropospheric ozone columns and ozone profiles for Kiev in 2007 A.V. Shavrina1, Ya.V. Pavlenko1, A...

    AV Shavrina, YA Pavlenko, AA Veles, VA Sheminova, II Synyavski, MG Sosonkin, YO Romanyuk, NA Eremenko, YS Ivanov, OA Monsar, M Kroon | Status: published | Journal: Kosmichna Nauka i Tekhnologiya | Volume: 14 | Year: 2008 | First page: 85 | Last page: 97 | doi: ISSN 1561-8889


  3. Impacts of afternoon and evening sea-breeze fronts on local

    We investigated sharp disruptions of local turbulence and scalar transport due to the arrival of ...

    Arrillaga, Vila-Guerau de Arellano, Bosveld, Klein Baltink, Yague, Sastre, Roman-Cascon | Status: published | Journal: Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc. | Year: 2018 | doi: 10.1002/qj.3252


  4. How stratospheric are deep stratospheric intrusions? LUAMI 2008

    A large-scale comparison of water-vapour vertical-sounding instruments took place over central Eu...

    T Trickl, H Vogelmann, A Fix, A Schäfler, M Wirth, B Calpini, G Levrat, G Romanens, A Apituley, KM Wilson, R Begbie, J Reichhardt, H Vömel, M Sprenger | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Year: 2016 | doi: 10.5194/acp-16-8791-2016


  5. Who should measure air quality in modern cities? The example of decentralization of urban air quality monitoring in Krasnoyarsk (Siberia, Russia)

    Researchers have warned that the paradigm about who should measure air quality (AQ) in cities can...

    L. D. Labzovskii, J. D. Vande Hey, A. A. Romanov, P. Golovatina-Mora, D. Belikov, A. Lashkari, S. Takele Kenea, E. Hekman. Environmental Science and Policy | Journal: Environmental Science and Policy | Year: 2023 | doi:
