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First 1958 results for ”Evert Wiegant”

  1. Improving satellite-based estimations of UV index and dose and first assessment of UV in a world-avoided

    The UV index (UVI) and dose (UVD) are quantities of UV irradiance weighted for its effect on org...

    Evert Wiegant | Year: 2016 | Pages: 65


  2. Deriving erythemal UV dose rate from Meteosat Observations

    Downwelling solar irradiance at the surface is retrieved from the geostationary Meteosat SEVIRI i...

    E. Wiegant and J.F. Meirink | Year: 2017 | Pages: 48


  3. Statistische beschouwingen bij de vraag hoe metingen van eenzelfde fysische grootheid, verricht met verschillende typen instrumenten en volgens verschillende meettechnieken tot één gemeenschappelijke basis herleid kunnen worden

    Statistische beschouwingen bij de vraag hoe metingen van eenzelfde fysische grootheid, verricht m...

    C. Levert | Year: 1966 | Pages: 44


  4. Statistical aspects concerning the measurement of the specific artificial atmospheric radioactivity

    Statistical aspects concerning the measurement of the specific artificial atmospheric radioactivi...

    C. Levert | Year: 1962 | Pages: 127


  5. Some statistical aspects on accuracy requirements arising from a non-routine use of climatological data

    Some statistical aspects on accuracy requirements arising from a non-routine use of climatologica...

    C. Levert | Year: 1960 | Pages: 12
