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First 1703 results for ”Richard C. Cornes”

  1. The London, Paris and De Bilt sub-daily pressure series

    The construction of sub-daily pressure series is described for the cities of London (GB) and Pari...

    Richard C. Cornes, Theo Brandsma | Journal: Geoscience Data Journal | Year: 2023 | doi: 10.1002/gdj3.226


  2. Is the THC bi-stable at present? (invited expert box 7.3), p173-174. In: Richardson, K., W. Steffen and D. Liverman, eds

    G van der Schrier, SL Weber | Journal: Climate Change, global risks challenges | Year: 2011 | First page: 801


  3. An overview of induced seismicity in the Netherlands

    We present an overview of induced seismicity due to subsurface engineering in the Netherlands. Ou...

    Annemarie G. Muntendam-Bos, Gerco Hoedeman, Katerina Polychronopoulou, Deyan Draganov, Cornelis Weemstra, Wouter van der Zee, Richard R. Bakker and Hans Roest | Journal: Netherlands Journal of geosciences | Volume: 101 | Year: 2022 | doi:


  4. DOPSCAT, Feasibility Investigation of Global Ocean Surface Current Mapping using ERS, MetOp and QuikScat Wind Scatterometer

    DOPSCAT is a study that aims at assessing the potential of scatterometer instruments for sea surf...

    JA Johannessen, , KF Dagestad, F Collard, P Fabry, R Housson, A Stoffelen, J de Kloe, B Chapron, A Recchia, J Richard, V Enjolras | Year: 2013


  5. Richtlijn voor seismische monitoringsstations - versie 1

    Seismische monitoringstations zijn nodig om aardbevingen te lokaliseren en karakteriseren. Deze s...

    P. Kruiver, E. Ruigrok, G.J. van den Hazel, D. de Vos, E. Stoffer, L. Evers | Year: 2024 | Pages: 13
