Tracing water masses with a Lagrangian methodology
Tracing water masses in the Atlantic
We report on the development of an efficient and accurate tool for computing Lagrangian trajecto...
A new geophysical model function, CMOD5, for the retrieval of surface winds from ERS scatteromete...
The ERS-1 and ERS-2 play an essential role in the development of the Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite ...
This paper describes a new method to characterize ice in ERS scatterometer measurements. The obje...
Seismische analyse van de aardbevingen bij Alkmaar op 9 en 10 september en Bergen aan Zee op 10 o...
Het derde klimaatrapport van het Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is gepubliceerd...
Wind generates waves on the surface of the ocean. Modifications of the sea state influence the wi...
Scatterometers provide ambiguous winds and ambiguity removal (AR) schemes exist to select a uniqu...
Impact Assessment of a Doppler Wind Lidar in Space on Atmospheric Analyses and Numerical Weather ...