Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. First results of the polar regional climate model RACMO2.4

    The next version of the polar Regional Atmospheric Climate Model (referred to as RACMO2.4p1) is p...

    Christiaan T. van Dalum, Willem Jan van de Berg, Srinidhi N. Gadde, Maurice van Tiggelen, Tijmen van der Drift, Erik van Meijgaard, Lambertus H. van Ulft, and Michiel R. van den Broeke | The Cryosphere | 2024 | 18
  2. The Cycle 46 Configuration of the HARMONIE-AROME Forecast Model

    The aim of this technical note is to describe the Cycle 46 reference configuration of the HARMONI...

    Emily Gleeson, Ekaterina Kurzeneva, Wim de Rooy, Laura Rontu, Daniel Martín Pérez, Colm Clancy, Karl-Ivar Ivarsson , Bjørg Jenny Engdahl, Sander Tijm, Kristian Pagh Nielsen, Metodija Shapkalijevski, Panu Maalampi, Peter Ukkonen , Yurii Batrak , Marvin Kähnert, Tosca Kettler , Sophie Marie Elies van den Brekel , Michael Robin Adriaens , Natalie Theeuwes , Bolli Pálmason, Thomas Rieutord, James Fannon , Eoin Whelan , Samuel Viana , Mariken Homleid , Geoffrey Bessardon , Jeanette Onvlee , Patrick Samuelsson , Daniel Santos-Muñoz , Ole Nikolai Vignes, Roel Stappers | Meteorology | 2024 | 3
  3. Model development in practice: a comprehensive update to the boundary layer schemes in HARMONIE-AROME cycle 40

    The parameterised description of subgrid-scale processes in the clear and cloudy boundary layer h...

    Wim C. de Rooy, Pier Siebesma, Peter Baas, Geert Lenderink, Stephan R. de Roode, Hylke de Vries, Erik van Meijgaard, Jan Fokke Meirink, Sander Tijm, and Bram van 't Veen | Geosci. Model Dev. | 2022 | 15
  4. Hot-air balloon forecasts at KNMI, a validation study for the application of ECMWF and HIRLAM data

    This validation study focuses on the input data quality for the special hot-air balloon forecasts...

    Cisco de Bruijn, Bas de Haan, Paul de Valk, and Sander Tijm | --2021 | pp24
  5. The HARMONIE–AROME Model Configuration in the ALADIN–HIRLAM NWP System

    The aim of this article is to describe the reference configuration of the convection-permitting n...

    Bengtsson, Rooy, Lenderink, Onvlee, Tijm | published | Monthly Weather Review | 2017 | 145
  6. Experiences with HARMONIE at KNMI

    This report describes the experiences at KNMI with the Harmonie model as provided by continuous 1...

    WC de Rooy, ABC Tijm, R Neggers, AP Siebesma, J Barkmeijer | published | HIRLAM Newsletter | 2010
  7. A multi-year study of sea breezes in a Mediterranean coastal site: Alicante (Spain).

    Using 6-year data collected in a high-resolution network of 19 stations in the province of Alican...

    C Azorin-Molina, D Chen, S Tijm, M Baldi | accepted | Int. J. Climatology | 2009
  8. HIRLAM experiments on surface energy balance across Vatnajokull, Iceland

    The aim of this study is to investigate the skill of the High Resolution Limited Area Model (HIRL...

    L Rontu, F Obleitner, S Gollvik, C Zingerle, ABC Tijm | published | Meteor. Atmos. Phys. | 2009 | 103
  9. A long-term study of sea-breezes in a Mediterranean coastal site: Alicante (Spain)

    C Azorin-Molina, D Chen, ABC Tijm, M Baldi | accepted | Int. J. Climatology | 2009
  10. Vertical diffusion

    ABC Tijm | NetFAM/COST 728 summer school on HIRLAM and ACT | 2008
  11. A polar night temperature problem over Greenland, Part 2

    ABC Tijm | submitted | HIRLAM newsletter | 2008
  12. Strategy on HARMONIE physics developments

    ABC Tijm | 2008 | 2008
  13. HIRLAM strategy on ACT modelling

    ABC Tijm | 2008 | 2008
  14. Overview of contents HIRLAM system

    ABC Tijm | NetFAM/COST 728 summer school on HIRLAM and ACT | 2008
  15. HIRLAM physics changes and importance for ACT modelling

    ABC Tijm | 2008 | 2008 | NetFAM, COST 728
  16. Intercomparison of STRACO and KF-RK

    ABC Tijm | published | HIRLAM Newsletter | 2008
  17. Overall tuning of the turbulence scheme of HIRLAM with the focus on the stable boundary layer

    Under stable conditions

    EIF de Bruijn, ABC Tijm | published | HIRLAM Newsletter | 2008
  18. Een nieuwe computer, een nieuw Hirlam

    Op 17 oktober 2006 is de nieuwste versie van Hirlam in gebruik genomen. Met deze nieuwe versie is...

    ABC Tijm | published | Meteorologica | 2006 | 15
  19. Single-column modeling versus mesoscale modeling for an episode with three diurnal cycles in CASES99

    EIF de Bruijn, ABC Tijm, GJ Steeneveld | 2006 | 2006 | AMS
  20. Local Wind Speed Estimation by Physical Downscaling of Weather model forecasts

    Wind speed forecasts by numerical weather prediction (NWP) models in heterogeneous terrain lack l...

    JW Verkaik, AJM Jacobs, ABC Tijm, JRA Onvlee | submitted | J. Wind Eng. and Ind. Aerodyn. | 2006
  21. Een ontspoord Hirlam model?

    Op 12 en 13 augustus 2004 viel er in Friesland, Noord- en Zuid-Holland en de Noord-Oostpolder pla...

    wc de Rooy, k kok, ABC Tijm, DHP Vogelezang | published | Meteorologica | 2006
  22. BoWa NL: visie bovenluchtwaarnemingen Nederland

    BoWa NL: visie bovenluchtwaarnemingen Nederland 

    S. Tijm, B. Wichers Schreur en H. Klein Baltink | --2003 | pp51
  23. Projectie van de Elbe-zomerneerslag op de Rijn en de Maas; Onderzoek naar aanleiding van de recente overstromingen in Midden-Europa

    W van de Langeheem, JRA Onvlee, GP Können, J Schellekens (red.), JJ Beersma, TA Buishand, R Jilderda, E van Meijgaard, S Tijm, D Vogelezang | published | 2002