Probabilistic moment tensor inversion for hydrocarbon-induced seismicity in the groningen gas field, the netherlands, part 2: Application
Recent developments in the densification of the seismic network covering the Groningen gas field ...
B Dost, A Stiphout, D Kuehn, M Kortekaas, E Ruigrok, S Heimann | Status: published | Journal: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America | Volume: 110 | Year: 2020 | First page: 2112 | Last page: 2123 | doi: 10.1785/0120200076
Probabilistic moment tensor inversion for hydrocarbon-induced seismicity in the groningen gas field, the netherlands, part 1: Testing
Since 1991, induced earthquakes have been observed and linked to gas production in the Groningen ...
D Kuehn, S Heimann, M Isken, E Ruigrok, B Dost | Status: published | Journal: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America | Volume: 110 | Year: 2020 | First page: 2095 | Last page: 2111 | doi: 10.1785/0120200099
Monitoring induced seismicity in the North of the Netherlands: status report 2010
This report presents an update on the results from monitoring induced seismicity in the North of ...
B Dost, F Goutbeek, T van Eck, D Kraaijpoel | Year: 2012 | Pages: 39
Winschoten events, 19-11-2017
A succession of at least 4 events was measured on November 19, 2017, close to the city of Winscho...
E. Ruigrok, J. Spetzler, B. Dost and L. Evers | Year: 2018 | Pages: 27
Veendam event, 09-01-2019
Most events recorded in the province of Groningen are related to compacting gas reservoirs at aro...
E. Ruigrok, J. Spetzler, B. Dost and L. Evers | Year: 2019 | Pages: 14