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First 68 results for ” W Liu”

  1. Radiative forcing of the direct aerosol effect from AeroCom Phase II simulations

    We report on the AeroCom Phase II direct aerosol effect (DAE) experiment where 16 detailed global...

    G Myhre, BH Samset, M Schulz, Y Balkanski, S Bauer, TK Berntsen, H Bian, N Bellouin, M Chin, T Diehl, RC Easter, J Feichter, SJ Ghan, D Hauglustaine, T Iversen, S Kinne, A Kirkevåg, J-F Lamarque, G Lin, X Liu, MT Lund, G Luo, X Ma, T van Noije, JE Penner, PJ Rasch, A Ruiz, Ø Seland, RB Skeie, P Stier, T Takemura, K Tsigaridis, P Wang, Z Wang, L Xu, H Yu, F Yu, J-H Yoon, K Zhang, H Zhang, C Zhou, C. | Status: published | Journal: Atmos. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 13 | Year: 2013 | First page: 1853 | Last page: 1877 | doi: 10.5194/acp-13-1853-2013


  2. Tropical cyclone sensitivities to CO2 doubling: Roles of atmospheric resolution, synoptic variability and background climate changes

    Responses of tropical cyclones (TCs) to CO2 doubling are explored using coupled global climate mo...

    GA Vecchi, T Delworth, H Murakami, SD Underwood, AT Wittenberg, F Zeng, W Zhang, J Baldwin, K Bhatia, W Cooke, J He, SB Kapnick, T Knutson, G Villarini, K van der Wiel, W Anderson, V Balaji, J-H Chen, K Dixon, R Gudgel, L Harris, L Jia, NC Johnson, S-J Lin, M Liu, J Ng, A Rosati, J Smith, X Yang | Status: published | Journal: Climate Dynamics | Volume: 53 | Year: 2019 | First page: 5999 | Last page: 6033 | doi: 10.1007/s00382-019-04913-y


  3. Quantification of lightning-produced NOx over the Pyrenees and the Ebro Valley by using different TROPOMI-NO2 and cloud research products

    Lightning, one of the major sources of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the atmosphere, contributes to th...

    Francisco J. Pérez-Invernón, Heidi Huntrieser, Thilo Erbertseder, Diego Loyola, Pieter Valks, Song Liu, Dale J. Allen, Kenneth E. Pickering, Eric J. Bucsela, Patrick Jöckel, Jos van Geffen, Henk Eskes, Sergio Soler, Francisco J. Gordillo-Vázquez, and Jeff Lapierre | Journal: Atmos. Meas. Tech. | Volume: 15 | Year: 2022 | First page: 3329 | Last page: 3351 | doi: 10.5194/amt-15-3329-2022


  4. An improved TROPOMI tropospheric NO2 research product over Europe

    Launched in October 2017, the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) aboard Sentinel-5 Prec...

    Liu, S., Valks, P., Pinardi, G., Xu, J., Chan, K. L., Argyrouli, A., Lutz, R., Beirle, S., Khorsandi, E., Baier, F., Huijnen, V., Bais, A., Donner, S., Dörner, S., Gratsea, M., Hendrick, F., Karagkiozidis, D., Lange, K., Piters, A. J. M., Remmers, J., Richter, A., Van Roozendael, M., Wagner, T., Wenig, M., and Loyola, D. G. | Journal: Atmos. Meas. Tech. | Volume: 14 | Year: 2021 | First page: 7297 | Last page: 7327 | doi: 10.5194/amt-14-7297-2021


  5. Plasma-neutral interactions in the lower thermosphere-ionosphere: The need for in situ measurements to address focused questions

    The lower thermosphere-ionosphere (LTI) is a key transition region between Earth’s atmosphere and...

    Sarris T, Palmroth M, Aikio A, Buchert SC, Clemmons J, Clilverd M, Dandouras I, , Doornbos E, Goodwin LV, Grandin M, , Heelis R, Ivchenko N, Moretto-Jørgensen, T, Kervalishvili G, Knudsen D, Liu HL, Lu G, Malaspina DM, Marghitu O, Maute A, Miloch, WJ, Olsen N, Pfaff R, Stolle C, Talaat E, , Thayer J, Tourgaidis S, Verronen PT and Yamauchi M | Journal: Front. Astron. Space Sci. | Volume: 9 | Year: 2023 | doi:
