Parallel air temperature measurements at the KNMI observatory in De Bilt (the Netherlands) May 2003 - June 2005
From May 2003 through June 2005 a field experiment has been carried out at the observatory of KNM...
T Brandsma | Year: 2011 | Pages: 56
Protocol Verandering Meetinfrastructuur
Veranderingen in de meetinfrastructuur van het KNMI zijn soms niet te voorkomen. Meestal gaat het...
T Brandsma, et al. | Year: 2011 | Pages: 21
Hydrological Impact of Climate Change: A sensitivity study for the Netherlands
In this thesis various aspects of hydrology and the water management system of the Netherlands ha...
T Brandsma | University: Delft University of Technology | Year: 1995
Contamination of the long-term temperature series of De Bilt (The Netherlands) by urban heat advection
A factor that complicates the assessment of cli-mate change and variability, is the neighborhood ...
T Brandsma | Conference: Fourth symposium on the urban environment | Organisation: American Meteorological Soceity (AMS) | Place: Norfolk VA | First page: 45 | Last page: 46
Overstortingsfrequenties en klimaatverandering
In dit artikel wordt de klimaat-analoog methode gepresenteerd als een methode om grenzen aan te g...
T Brandsma | Journal: H2O | Volume: 26 | Year: 1993 | First page: 722 | Last page: 727