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First 817 results for ” F Giammarchi”

  1. Linearity aspects of the ensemble of data assimilations technique

    We examine the linearity of the Ensemble of Data Assimilations (EDA) technique with respect to th...

    L Megner, DGH Tan, H Kornich, A Horanyi, A Stoffelen, GJ Marseille | Status: published | Journal: Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc. | Year: 2014 | doi: DOI:10.1002/qj.2362


  2. The potential impact of upper stratospheric measurements on sub-seasonal forecasts in the extra-tropics

    This chapter examines the potential improvements in tropospheric weather forecasts that might ar...

    CF Lee, PSM Smets, AJ Charlton-Perez, LG Evers, RG Harrison, G Marlton | Year: 2017


  3. Scoring approaches for the GEMS project

    During the first three years of GEMS reports have been written to discuss the validation methods ...

    V Huijnen, H Eskes, J Marshall, D Ceburnis, A Gross, M Schulz, P Agnew, S Kinne, A Ghelli | Year: 2008


  4. Comparison of Aeolus burst and continuous mode concepts

    Comparison of the effect of a switch from Burst to Continuous operation mode, for the ADM-Aeolus ...

    A Stoffelen, GJ Marseille, J de Kloe, A Dabas, D Huber, O Reitebuch, P Flamant, D Tan | Year: 2008


  5. ADM-AEOLUS Level-2B Algorithm Theoretical Baseline Document, v2.2

    This document is the Algorithm Theoretical Baseline Document for the ADM-Aeolus Level-2B Processo...

    D Tan, E Andersson, P Poli, A Dabas, J de Kloe, GJ Marseille, A Stoffelen | Year: 2009
