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First 1051 results for ” CL Reddington”

  1. Calibration and Validation of ASCAT Winds, version 5.1

    Based on the OSI SAF cone visualisation tools at KNMI and the NOC corrections, calibration of the...

    J Verspeek, M Portabella, A Stoffelen, A Verhoef | Year: 2013


  2. Exploring the efficiency of bias corrections of regional climate model output for the assessment of future crop yields in Europe

    Excessive summer drying and reduced growing season length are expected to reduce European crop yi...

    AMR Bakker, JJE Bessembinder, AJW de Wit, BJJM van den Hurk, SB Hoek | Status: published | Journal: Regional and Environmental Change | Volume: 14 | Year: 2014 | First page: 865 | Last page: 877 | doi: doi: 10.1007/s10113-013-0557-9


  3. Atmospheric Composition Change: Climate-Chemistry interactions

    Chemically active climate compounds are either primary compounds like methane (CH4), removed by o...

    ISA Isaksen, C Granier, G Myhre, TK Berntsen, SB Dalsoren, M Gauss, Z Klimont, M van Weele, co-authors | Status: published | Journal: Atmos. Environm. | Volume: 43 | Year: 2009 | First page: 5138 | Last page: 5192 | doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.08.003


  4. Improved MODIS Dark Target Aerosol Optical Depth algorithm over land: Angular effect Correction

    Aerosol optical depth (AOD) product retrieved from MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer ...

    Y Wu, M de Graaf, M Menenti | Status: published | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 9 | Year: 2016 | First page: 5575 | Last page: 5589 | doi: 10.5194/amt-9-5575-2016


  5. Physiological interpretation of a hyperspectral time series in a citrus orchard

    Hyperspectral remote sensing for monitoring horticultural production systems requires the underst...

    J Stuckens, S Dzikiti, WW Verstraeten, S Verreynne, R Swinnen, P Coppin | Status: published | Journal: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology | Year: 2011 | First page: 1002 | Last page: 1015 | doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2011.03.006
