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First 202 results for ”J. Reiff ”

  1. Het vochtprofiel in de convectieve grenslaag

    Het vochtprofiel in de convectieve grenslaag

    M. Lindeman, A.G.M. Driedonks en J. Reiff | Year: 1984 | Pages: 130


  2. The use of a trajectory-model for studying interregional of air pollution

    The use of a trajectory-model for studying interregional of air pollution

    J. Reiff and C.A. Velds | Year: 1979 | Pages: 37


  3. Bepaling van brongebieden en trajektoriën

    Bepaling van brongebieden en trajektoriën

    F. Cannemeijer, J. Reiff en M.J.M. Saraber | Year: 1978 | Pages: 32


  4. Report of the workshop on boundary layer models in short range weather forecasting

     (De Bilt, The Netherlands, , 10-12 March 1986)

    J. Reiff, A.G.M. Driedonks and A.A.M. Holtslag | Year: 1986 | Pages: 80


  5. Procedures used in the boundary layer height and wind analysis for the PHOXA-project: final report of the KNMI contribution to the PHOXA-project

    Procedures used in the boundary layer height and wind analysis for the PHOXA-project: final repor...

    G.J. Cats, J. Reiff and C.A. Engeldal | Year: 1985 | Pages: 27
