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First 415 results for ” J. Brown”

  1. The Netherlands Seismic Broadband Network

    R Sleeman | Journal: Orfeus Electronic Newsletter | Volume: 3 | Year: 2001 | First page: 12


  2. Towards a Virtual European Broadband Seismograph Network

    T van Eck, et al. | Journal: Orfeus Electronic Newsletter | Volume: 4 | Year: 2002 | First page: 5


  3. Het broeikaseffect op aarde en haar buurtplaneten

    R van Dorland | Journal: CD lerarendag | Year: 2003


  4. KNMI'14 Climatescenarios for the Netherlands (brochure)

    KNMI presents the KNMI’14 climate scenarios: four new scenarios for future climate change in the...

    Albert Klein Tank, Jules Beersma, Janette Bessembinder, Bart van den Hurk and Geert Lenderink | Year: 2015 | Pages: 36


  5. A Large-Eddy Simulation Intercomparison Study of Shallow Cumulus Convection

    AP Siebesma, CS Bretherton, A Brown, A Chlond, J Cuxart, PG Duynkerke, H Jiang, M Khairoutdinov, D Lewellen, CH Moeng, E Sanchez, B Stevens, D Stevens | Status: published | Journal: J. Atmos. Sci. | Volume: 60 | Year: 2003 | First page: 1201 | Last page: 1219
