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First 538 results for ”E Blanc”

  1. The mid‐Cretaceous North Atlantic nutrient trap: Black shales and OAEs

    Organic‐rich sediments are the salient marine sedimentation product in the mid‐Cretaceous of the ...

    J Trabucho Alexandre, E Tuenter, GA Henstra, KJ van der Zwan, RSW van de Wal, HA Dijkstra, PL de Boer | Status: published | Journal: Paleoceanography | Volume: 25 | Year: 2010 | doi: 10.1029/2010PA001925


  2. TR 3.1 Current knowledge on gravity waves and tides

    The goal of this literature report is to provide a conclusive overview concerning knowledge about...

    S Wüst, S Wildner, P Wachter, M Bittner, J Lastovicka, PSM Smets, LG Evers, E Blanc, C Millet, A Hauchecorne | Year: 2012


  3. A regional ocean circulation model for the mid-Cretaceous North Atlantic Basin: implications for black shale formation

    High concentrations of organic matter accumulated in marine sediments during Oceanic Anoxic Event...

    RPM Topper, J Trabucho Alexandre, E Tuenter, PT Meijer | Status: published | Journal: Climate of the Past | Volume: 7 | Year: 2011 | First page: 277 | Last page: 297 | doi: 10.5194/cp-7-277-2011


  4. A new separation methodology for the maritime sector emissions over the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions

    The aim of this paper is to apply a new lane separation methodology for the maritime sector emiss...

    Pseftogkas, A., Koukouli, M.-E., Skoulidou, I., Balis, D., Melati, C., Stavrakou, T., Falco, L., van Geffen, J., Eskes, H., Segers, A. and Manders, A. | Journal: Atmosphere | Volume: 12 | Year: 2021 | First page: 1478 | doi: 10.3390/atmos12111478


  5. First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. I. The Shadow of the Supermassive Black Hole in the Center of the Milky Way

    We present the first Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observations of Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), the G...

    EHT Collaboration, etal., H. Falcke etal.. G. Geertsema, etal. | Journal: ApJL | Volume: 930 | Year: 2022 | doi: 10.3847/2041-8213/ac6674
