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First 2255 results for ” J Staehelin”

  1. Interpolating wind speed normals from the sparse Dutch network to a high resolution grid using local roughness from land use maps

    There are different ways of creating gridded maps from observations. The aim of this study was t...

    A Stepek, IL Wijnant | Year: 2011 | Pages: 51


  2. Temperature climatology for Schiphol (the Netherlands), for present-day and climate scenarios in 2050

    Temperature is an important climatological variable at Schiphol Airport (Amsterdam, the Netherlan...

    D Wolters, JJ Beersma | Year: 2012 | Pages: 29


  3. Application of seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution to ambient seismic noise recorded in Malargüe, Argentina

    Obtaining new seismic responses from existing recordings is generally referred to as seismic inte...

    C Weemstra, D Draganov, E Ruigrok, J Hunziker, M Gomez, K Wapenaar | Status: published | Journal: Geophys. J. Int. | Volume: 208 | Year: 2017 | First page: 693 | Last page: 714 | doi: 10.1093/gji/ggw425


  4. Climatology of extreme rainfall from rain gauges and weather radar

    Extreme rainfall events can have a large impact on society and can lead to loss of life and prope...

    A Overeem | University: Wageningen University | Year: 2009


  5. Back-up modellering van windmeetmasten op luchthavens

    Information about the wind speed and wind direction is of great importance for an airplane during...

    Ilja Smits | Year: 1999 | Pages: 71
