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First 2155 results for ” Valentijn R.N. Pauwels”

  1. Current status of SCIAMACHY polarisation measurements

    The measured signals by SCIAMACHY are corrected by a Polarisation Correction Algorithm to transfo...

    JM Krijger, LG Tilstra | Conference: Envisat Validation Workshop | Organisation: ESA-ESRIN | Place: Frascati, Italy | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  2. Simulating relative humidity profiles in the tropics with a high-resolution regional meteorological model

    During this research project the WRF-model was installed and tested. The simulations of the WRF-m...

    S Maas | Year: 2005


  3. Stratospheric ozone: satellite observations, data assimilation and forecasts

    Ozone data assimilation is receiving increasing attention over the past five years. This developm...

    HJ Eskes | Journal: Proceedings ECMWF | Year: 2004 | First page: 341 | Last page: 360


  4. The Dutch Continental Shelf Model

    The topic of the paper is quantitative skill assessment in numerical flow modelling. Conceptual m...

    H Gerritsen, JW de Vries, M Philippart | Year: 1995


  5. The effective viscosity of a channel-type porous medium.

    An expression for the effective viscosity (mu_e) of a homogeneous channel-type porous medium has ...

    WP Breugem | Status: published | Journal: Physics of Fluids | Volume: 19 | Year: 2007 | doi: 10.1063/1.2792323
