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First 2373 results for ” S Vergniolle”

  1. Instrumental pressure observations from the end of the 17th century: Leiden (The Netherlands)

    We present a series of daily pressure readings taken 1697-1698 in Leiden (Netherlands) by W. Sen...

    GP Können, T Brandsma | Status: published | Journal: Int. J. Climatology | Volume: 25 | Year: 2005 | First page: 1139 | Last page: 1145 | doi: 10.1002/joc.1192


  2. Klimaatveranderingen en klimaatvoorspellingen

    Wat is er nu wel waar en wat is onzin in het verhaal over klimaatverandering? Stijgt de zeespiege...

    GJ Komen, R van Dorland | Journal: Topos | Year: 2006 | First page: 10 | Last page: 13


  3. Handmatig aanpassen van een numerieke weersanalyse II

    Numerieke weersvoorspellingen worden steeds beter. Desondanks blijft het nodig dat deze voorspell...

    AMM Manders | Journal: Meteorologica | Year: 2006


  4. Intercomprison of aerosol extinction profiles retrieved from MAX-DOAS measurements

    A first direct intercomparison of aerosol vertical profiles from Multi-Axis Differential Optical ...

    U Friess, H Klein Baltink, S Beirle, K Clemer, F Hendrick, B Henzing, G De Leeuw, A Li, MM Moerman, M Van Roozendaal, R Shaiganfar, T Wagner, Y Wang, P Xie, P Zieger | Status: published | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 9 | Year: 2016 | First page: 3205 | Last page: 3222 | doi: 10.5194/amt-9-3205-2016


  5. AEOLUS Level-2B Processor Software User's Manual, v.1.33

    This document is the Software User’s Manual for the Aeolus Level-2B Processor (version 1.3). Its ...

    D Tan, E Andersson, J de Kloe, A Stoffelen, D Huber, P Poli, A Dabas | Year: 2007
