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First 199 results for ” I Chunchuzov”

  1. 2022 early-summer heatwave in Southern South America: 60 times more likely due to climate change

    A large area including the central-northern part of Argentina, southern Bolivia, central Chile, a...

    Juan Antonio Rivera, Paola A. Arias, Anna A. Sörensson, Mariam Zachariah, Clair Barnes, Sjoukje Philip, Sarah Kew, Robert Vautard, Gerbrand Koren, Izidine Pinto, Maja Vahlberg, Roop Singh, Emmanuel Raju, Sihan Li, Wenchang Yang, Gabriel A. Vecchi, Luke J. Harrington & Friederike E. L. Otto | Journal: Climatic Change | Volume: 176 | Year: 2023 | doi:



    The status of CY43 HARMONIE-AROME 4D-Var is presented. Central to the HARMONIE-AROME 4D-Var imple...

    Barkmeijer, Jan, Lindskog, Magnus, Gustafsson, Nils, Bojarova, Jelena, Azad, Roohollaha, Monteiro, Isabel, Escribà, P. , Whelan, Eoin, Ridal, Martin, Sanchez Arriola, Jana, Vignes, Ole, Stappers, Roel and Randriamampianina, Roger | Year: 2021


  3. The Ozone Monitoring Instrument: overview of 14 years in space

    This overview paper highlights the successes of the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on board th...

    P.F. Levelt, J. Joiner, J. Tamminen, J.P. Veefkind, P.K. Bhartia, D.C. Stein Zweers, B.N. Duncan, D.G. Streets, H. Eskes, R. van der A, C. McLinden, V. Fioletov, S. Carn, J. de Laat, M. DeLand, S. Marchenko, R. McPeters, J. Ziemke, D. Fu, X. Liu, K. Pickering, A. Apituley, G. González Abad, A. Arola, F. Boersma, C. Chan Miller, K. Chance, M. de Graaf, J. Hakkarainen, S. Hassinen, I. Ialongo, Q. Kleipool, N. Krotkov, C. Li, L. Lamsal, P. Newman, C. Nowlan, R. Suleiman, L.G. Tilstra, O. Torres, H. Wang, and K. Wargan | Journal: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | Volume: 18 | Year: 2018 | doi:


  4. Couplings Between Changes in the Climate System and Biogeochemistry

    KL Denman, G Brasseur (Coordinating Lead Authors), A Chidthaisong, P Ciais, PM Cox, RE Dickinson, D Hauglustaine, C Heinze, E Holland, D Jacob, U Lohmann, S Ramachandran, PL da Silva Dias, SC Wofsy, X. Zhang (Lead Authors), D Archer, V Arora, J Austin, D Baker, JA Berry, R Betts, G Bonan, P Bousquet, J Canadell, J Christian, DA Clark, M Dameris, F Dentener, D Easterling, V Eyring, J Feichter, P Friedlingstein, I Fung, S Fuzzi, S Gong, N Gruber, A Guenther, K Gurney, A Henderson-Sellers, J House, A Jones, C Jones, B Kärcher, M Kawamiya, K Lassey, C Le Quéré, C Leck, J Lee-Taylor, Y Malhi, K Masarie, G McFiggans, S Menon, JB Miller, P Peylin, A Pitman, J Quaas, M Raupach, P Rayner, G Rehder, U Riebesell, C Rödenbeck, L Rotstayn, N Roulet, C Sabine, MG Schultz, M Schulz, SE Schwartz, W Steffen, D Stevenson, Y Tian, KE Trenberth, T van Noije, O Wild, T Zhang, L Zhou (Contributing Authors) | Year: 2007


  5. Multimodel ensemble simulations of present-day and near-future tropospheric ozone

    Global tropospheric ozone distributions, budgets, and radiative forcings from an ensemble of 26 s...

    DS Stevenson, FJ Dentener, MG Schultz, K Ellingsen, TPC van Noije, O Wild, G Zeng, M Amann, CS Atherton, N Bell, DJ Bergmann, I Bey, T Butler, J Cofala, WJ Collins, RG Derwent, RM Doherty, J Drevet, HJ Eskes, AM Fiore, M Gauss, DA Hauglustaine, LW Horowitz, ISA Isaksen, MC Krol, J-F Lamarque, MG Lawrence, V Montanaro, J-F Müller, G Pitari, MJ Prather, JA Pyle, S Rast, JM Rodriguez, MG Sanderson, NH Savage, DT Shindell, SE Strahan, K Sudo, S Szopa | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 111 | Year: 2006 | First page: D08301 | doi: 10.1029/2005JD006338
