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First 1564 results for ” B Somers”

  1. Technical description of the air mass transformation model

    Technical description of the air mass transformation model

    W.M. Remmers | Year: 1986 | Pages: 33


  2. Evaluation of near-surface ozone over Europe from the MACC reanalysis

    This work is an extended evaluation of near-surface ozone as part of the global reanalysis of atm...

    E Katragkou, P Zanis, A Tsikerdekis, J Kapsomenakis, D Melas, H Eskes, J Flemming, V Huijnen, A Inness, M Schultz, O Stein, C Zerefos | Status: published | Journal: Geoscientific Model Development | Year: 2015 | First page: 2299 | Last page: 2314 | doi:


  3. Validation of CAMS regional services: concentrations above the surface

    T Antonaki, AM Blechschmidt, H Clark, C Gielen, F Hendrick, J Kapsomenakis, A Mortier, E Peters, A Piters, A Richter, M Van Roozendael, M Schulz, T Wagner, C Zerefos, HJ Eskes | Year: 2016


  4. . A Relation between Extreme Daily Precipitation and Extreme Short Term Precipitation

    The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) has published the KNMI’06 climate scenarios...

    YL Romero, J Bessembinder, NC van de Giesen, FHM van de Ven | Status: accepted | Journal: Climatic Change | Year: 2011


  5. Data assimilation of satellite-retrieved ozone, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide with ECMWF's Composition-IFS

    Daily global analyses and 5-day forecasts are generated in the context of the European Monitoring...

    A Inness, A Blechschmidt, I Bouarar, S Chabrillat, M Crepulja, R Engelen, H Eskes, J Flemming, A Gaudel, F Hendrick, V Huijnen, L Jones, J Kapsomenakis, E Katragkou | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Year: 2015 | First page: 5275 | Last page: 5303 | doi:
