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First 480 results for ” C Dutheil”

  1. The Dutch Offshore Wind Atlas (DOWA): description of the dataset

    The Dutch Offshore Wind Atlas (DOWA) is a wind atlas covering a period of 11 years, from 2008 unt...

    I.L. Wijnant, B. van Ulft, B. van Stratum, J. Barkmeijer, J. Onvlee, C. de Valk, S. Knoop, S. Kok, G.J. Marseille, H. Klein Baltink, A. Stepek | Year: 2019 | Pages: 60


  2. From Pulse to Product: Highlights of the digital-IF upgrade of the Dutch national radar network

    In 2007 KNMI has successfully upgraded the Dutch radar network. The digital receivers and data pr...

    H Beekhuis, I Holleman | Conference: ERAD 5 | Place: Helsinki | Year: 2008 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  3. Data rescue and digitization: tips and tricks resulting from the Dutch experience

    At the end of the 1980’s KNMI digitized part of the huge amount of pre-1850 instrumental meteorol...

    T Brandsma | Conference: International Workshop on Rescue and Digitization of Climate Records in the Mediterranean Basin | Organisation: World Meteorological Organization | Place: Geneva, Switzerland | Year: 2007 | First page: 47 | Last page: 54


  4. Met El Niño naar global change. Lessen uit de Stille Oceaan [in Dutch]

    G Burgers, HA Dijkstra | Year: 1999


  5. Determination of terms for wind force/present weather. The Dutch case.

    FB Koek, GP Können | Status: published | Journal: Climatic Change | Volume: 73 | Year: 2005 | First page: 79 | Last page: 95
