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First 375 results for ” C Sabine”

  1. Klimaatverandering en planning van capaciteit en volume

    Memo voor de Gasunie en de NAM over mogelijke veranderingen in extreem lage temperaturen in de wi...

    J Bessembinder | Year: 2005


  2. Benefit of ozone observations from Sentinel-5P and future Sentinel-4 missions on tropospheric composition

    We present an observing simulated system experiment (OSSE) dedicated to evaluate the potential ad...

    Quesada-Ruiz, S., Attié, J.-L., Lahoz, W. A., Abida, R., Ricaud, P., El Amraoui, L., Zbinden, R., Piacentini, A., Joly, M., Eskes, H., Segers, A., Curier, L., de Haan, J., Kujanpää, J., Oude Nijhuis, A. C. P., Tamminen, J., Timmermans, R., and Veefkind, P. | Journal: Atmos. Meas. Tech. | Volume: 13 | Year: 2020 | First page: 131 | Last page: 152 | doi:


  3. Data quality of Aeolus wind measurements

      The European Space Agency (ESA)'s Earth Explorer Aeolus was launched in August 2018 carrying...

    Isabell Krisch, Christian Lemmerz, Oliver Lux, Uwe Marksteiner, Nafiseh Masoumzadeh, Oliver Reitebuch, Fabian Weiler, Benjamin Witschas, Fabio Bracci, Markus Meringer, Karsten Schmidt, Alexander Geiss, Dorit Huber, Ines Nikolaus, Michael Vaughan, Alain Dabas, Thomas Flament, Dimitri Trapon, Saleh Abdalla, Lars Isaksen, Michael Rennie, Dave Donovan, Jos de Kloe, Gert-Jan Marseille, Ad Stoffelen, Thomas Kanitz, Denny Wernham, Anne-Grete Straume, Jonas von Bismarck, Sebastian Bley, Peggy Fischer, Tommaso Parinello | Journal: Geophysical Research Abstracts | Year: 2020 | doi:


  4. Extended triple collocation: estimating errors and correlation coefficients with respect to an unknown target

    Calibration and validation of geophysical measurement systems typically requires knowledge of the...

    KA McColl, J Vogelzang, AG Konings, D Entekhabi, M Piles, A Stoffelen | Status: published | Journal: Geophys. Res. Lett. | Volume: 41 | Year: 2014 | First page: 6229 | Last page: 6236 | doi: 10.1002/2014GL061322


  5. Klimaatinformatie op maat

    Folder over Klimaatinformatie op maat: enkele voorbeelden van klimaatmaatwerk

    J Bessembinder, B Overbeek | Year: 2011
