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First 2644 results for ” Hayley Evers-King”

  1. Comments on \"Estimates of kinetic energy dissipation under breaking waves\"

    It is noted that the results of recent experiments on the enhancement of turbulent kinetic energy...

    G Burgers | Status: published | Journal: J. Phys. Oceanogr. | Volume: 27 | Year: 1997 | First page: 2306 | Last page: 2307


  2. Model inter-comparison on transport and chemistry – report on model inter-comparison performed within European Commission FP5 project EVERGREEN (Global satellite observation of greenhouse gas emissions)

    A comprehensive inter-comparison of 5 atmospheric chemistry transport models (TM5, TM4, TM3, IMAG...

    P Bergamaschi, JF Meirink, et al. | Year: 2006


  3. Observed coherent changes in climatic extremes during 2nd half of the 20th century

    P Frich, LV Alexander, P Della-Marta, B Gleason, M Haylock, AMG Klein Tank, T Peterson | Status: published | Journal: Climate Research | Year: 2002 | First page: 193 | Last page: 212


  4. The Maximum Entropy Principle applied to a dynamical system proposed by Lorenz

    Lorenz has proposed a dynamical system in two versions (I and II) that have both proved very usef...

    WTM Verkley, CA Severijns | Status: published | Journal: European Physical Journal B | Year: 2014 | First page: 7 | doi:


  5. Effects of land cover change on temperature and rainfall extremes in multi-model ensemble simulations

    A Pitman, N de Noblet, F Avila, L Alexander, JP Boissier, V Brovkin, C Delire, F Cruz, MG Donat, V Gayler, BJJM van den Hurk, C Reick, A Voldoire | Status: published | Journal: Earth System Dynamics | Year: 2012 | First page: 213 | Last page: 231 | doi: 10.5194/esd-3-213-2012
