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First 872 results for ” O Martius”

  1. The Marine Observers\' Log - WikiLog

    Introduction of a new WiKi-tool to archive and publish special marine phenomena. This tool is dev...

    S North, FB Koek | Journal: Mariners Weather Log | Volume: 50 | Year: 2006 | First page: 4 | Last page: 5


  2. MARKIS: the Dutch marine database and its quality control system

    The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) has a long history of collecting and archiv...

    JB Wijngaard | Year: 2006


  3. VERCE platform integration: first selection and integration of services and tools and report of the management release process

    SH Leong, P Martin, H Schwichtenberg, A Gemünd, A Spinuso | Year: 2013


  4. Recent improvements in spatial regression of climate data

    Climate and weather services rely, for a large part, on data obtained from in situ measurement st...

    Jouke de Baar, Irene Garcia-Marti | Journal: NATOAVT-354 workshop on multi-fidelity methods for military vehicle design | Year: 2022 | doi:


  5. 3D S-wave velocity imaging of Reykjanes Peninsula high-enthalpy geothermal fields with ambient-noise tomography

    Tomographic imaging based on ambient seismic noise measurements has shown to be a powerful tool, ...

    JE Martins, C Weemstra, EN Ruigrok, A Verdel, P Jousset, GP Hersir | Status: published | Journal: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research | Volume: 391 | Year: 2020 | doi:
