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First 2054 results for ” RA Pasmanter”

  1. Rarity of upper-tropospheric low O3 mixing ration events during MOZAIC flights

    Only a few previous observations of very low O3 mixing ratios in the upper troposphere are availa...

    WAH Asman, MG Lawrence, CAM Brenninkmeijer, PJ Crutzen, JWM Cuijpers, P Nedelec | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 3 | Year: 2003 | First page: 1541 | Last page: 1549


  2. Beschrijving en toepassingen van het PASCAL-systeem

    In dit paper wordt een beschrijving gegeven van het automatisch waarschuwingssysteem PASCAL dat s...

    Kees Kok | Year: 2022 | Pages: 109


  3. Parametrisatie van mooi-weer cumulus

    Parametrisatie van mooi-weer cumulus 

    M.C. van Zanten | Year: 1995 | Pages: 74


  4. Response of the North-African summer monsoon to precession and obliquity forcings in the EC-Earth GCM

    J Bosmans, SS Drijfhout, E Tuenter, L Lourens, F Hilgen | Status: published | Journal: Clim. Dyn. | Volume: 44 | Year: 2015 | First page: 279 | Last page: 297 | doi: 10.1007/s00382-014-2260-z


  5. Obliquity forcing of low-latitude climate.

    The influence of obliquity, the tilt of the Earth's rotational axis, on incoming solar radiation ...

    JHC Bosmans, FJ Hilgen, E Tuenter, LJ Lourens | Status: published | Journal: Climate of the Past | Volume: 11 | Year: 2015 | First page: 1335 | Last page: 1346 | doi: 10.5194/cp-11-1335-2015
