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First 275 results for ā€ S Noëlā€

  1. Calculating Lagrangian trajectories using time-dependent velocity fields

    We report on the development of an efficient and accurate tool for computing Lagrangian trajecto...

    P de Vries, K Döös | Status: published | Journal: J. Atm. Ocean. Tech. | Volume: 18 | Year: 2001 | First page: 1092 | Last page: 1101


  2. Cloud statistics based estimation of land surface albedo from AVHRR data.

    T Manninen, N Siljamo, J Poutiainen, L Vuilleumier, FC Bosveld, A Gartzki | Conference: SPIE Symposium on remote sensing | Place: Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spai | First page: 412 | Last page: 423


  3. Quantification of uncertainty in aerosol optical thickness retrieval arising from aerosol microphysical model and other sources, applied to Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) measurements

    A Määttä, M Laine, J Tamminen, JP Veefkind | Status: published | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 7 | Year: 2014 | First page: 1185 | Last page: 1199 | doi: 10.5194/amt-7-1185-2014


  4. Mercury distribution in the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere according to measurements by the IAGOS-CARIBIC observatory: 2014-2016,

    Mercury was measured onboard the IAGOS-CARIBIC passenger aircraft from May 2005 until February 20...

    F Slemr, A Weigelt, R Ebinghaus, J Bieser, CAM Brenninkmeijer, A Rauthe-Schöch, M Hermann, M Martinsson, PFJ van Velthoven, H Bönisch, M Neumaier, A Zahn, H Ziereis | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 18 | Year: 2018 | First page: 12329 | Last page: 12343 | doi: 10.5194/acp-18-12329-2018


  5. Symmetry in halo displays and symmetry in halo-making crystals

    The relation between the symmetry in halo displays and crystal symmetry is investigated for halo ...

    GP Können | Status: published | Journal: Appl. Optics | Volume: 42 | Year: 2003 | First page: 318 | Last page: 331
