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First 960 results for ” VH Olivera Craig”

  1. Recent improvements to LWP retrievals from AVHRR

    AJ Feijt, D Jolivet, R Koelemeijer, R Dhlopolsky, H Deneke | Status: published | Journal: Atmospheric Research | Volume: 72 | Year: 2004 | First page: 3 | Last page: 15


  2. Retrieval and validation of MSG and AVHRR based cloud physical parameters in the CMSAF

    RA Roebeling, H Hauschildt, D Jolivet, E Meijgaard, AJ Feijt | Conference: EUMETSAT data users conference | Organisation: EUMETSAT | Place: Weimar, Germany | First page: 183 | Last page: 198


  3. Intercomparison of models for radiative transfer in clouds

    RA Roebeling, D Jolivet, A Macke, L Berk, A Feijt | Conference: 11th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation and the 11th Conference on Cloud Physics | Organisation: AMS | Place: Ogden, USA | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  4. Commentaar bij de methode van Craddock voor het extrapoleren van tijdreeksen

    Commentaar bij de methode van Craddock voor het extrapoleren van tijdreeksen

    C. Levert | Year: 1955 | Pages: 45


  5. CRAAS: A European Cloud Regime dAtAset Based on the CLAAS-2.1 Climate Data Record

    Given the important role of clouds in our planet’s climate system, it is crucial to further impro...

    Tzallas, V.; Hünerbein, A.; Stengel, M.; Meirink, J.F.; Benas, N.; Trentmann, J.; Macke, A. | Journal: Remote Sensing | Volume: 14 | Year: 2022 | doi: 10.3390/rs14215548
