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First 252 results for ”J Beaumet”

  1. ADM-Aeolus vertical sampling scenarios

    The Atmospheric Dynamics Mission ADM-Aeolus is scheduled for launch in April 2011. ADM-Aeolus is ...

    GJ Marseille, A Stoffelen, J de Kloe, K Houchi, H Kornich, H Schyberg, AG Straume, O LeRille | Conference: International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling (ISTP) | Organisation: KNMI - TU Delft - RIVM | Place: Delft | Year: 2009 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  2. Validation of Sciamachy CO and CH4 data products

    AG Straume, I Aben, H Eskes, J Gille, M Krol, H Schrijver, M van Weele | Conference: ACVE | Organisation: ESTEC | Place: Noordwijk | Year: 201 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  3. ORISAM-TM4 : a new global sectional multi-component aerosol model including SOA formation - Focus on carbonaceous BC and OC aerosols.

    B Guillaume, C Liousse, R Rosset, H Cachier, PFJ van Velthoven, B Bessagnet, N Poisson | Status: published | Journal: Tellus | Volume: 59 | Year: 2007 | First page: 283 | Last page: 302 | doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0889.2006.00246.x


  4. Alternative formats, Demonstrated Aeolus Benefits in Atmospheric Sciences

    We highlight some of the scientific benefits of the Aeolus Doppler Wind Lidar mission since its l...

    M Rennie, A Stoffelen, S Khaykin, S Osprey, C Wright, T Banyard, AG Straume, O Reitebuch, I Krisch | Journal: 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS | Year: 2022 | doi:


  5. Observations from Personal Weather Stations—EUMETNET Interests and Experience

    The number of people owning a private weather station (PWS) and sharing their meteorological meas...

    Claudia Hahn, Irene Garcia-Marti, Jacqueline Sugier, Fiona Emsley, Anne-Lise Beaulant, Louise Oram, Eva Strandberg, Elisa Lindgren, Martyn Sunter, Franziska Ziska | Journal: MDPI CLimate | Volume: 10 | Year: 2022 | doi:
