Seasonality of multidecadal and centennial variability in European temperatures: the wavelet approach
Temperature variability on multidecadal and longer timescales is studied by application of Wavele...
NM Datsenko, MV Shabalova, DM Sonechkin | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 106 | Year: 2001 | First page: 12449
Symmetry in halo displays and symmetry in halo-making crystals
The relation between the symmetry in halo displays and crystal symmetry is investigated for halo ...
GP Können | Status: published | Journal: Appl. Optics | Volume: 42 | Year: 2003 | First page: 318 | Last page: 331
Kelvin wave signatures in ECMWF meteo fields and Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) ozone columns
This study investigates the vertical structure of the Kelvin wave signals previously found in tot...
RMA Timmermans, RF van Oss, HM Kelder | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Year: 2005 | doi: 10.1029/2004JD005261
The 1997/1998 El Niño
The 1997/1998 El Niño: a record event. El Niño, out of the remote vastness of the tropical Pacif...
G Burgers, GJ van Oldenborgh | Year: 1999
Identification of odd-radius arcs and of 44o/46o parhelia by their inner-edge polarization
Birefringence of ice causes the inner edges of refraction halos to be polarized. The direction of...
GP Können | Status: published | Journal: Appl. Optics | Volume: 37 | Year: 1998 | First page: 1450 | Last page: 1456