Supermodding – A special footprint operator for mesoscale data assimilation using scatterometer winds
Satellite observation footprints may extend over many grid points of a high-resolution limited-ar...
Máté Mile, Roger Randriamampianina, Gert-Jan Marseille and Ad Stoffelen | Journal: Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | Volume: 147 | Year: 2021 | First page: 1382 | Last page: 1402 | doi: 10.1002/qj.3979
Bird detection by operational weather radar
Within the Avian Alert System of Systems (SoS) initiative of the European Space Agency (ESA), we ...
Adriaan M. Dokter, Felix Liechti and Iwan Holleman | Year: 2009 | Pages: 201
Technical description of the KNMI Rainfall Generators for the Rhine and Meuse basins
This report gives a technical description of what is briefly known as the KNMI Rainfall (or Weath...
Jules J. Beersma, T. Adri Buishand and Maurice J. Schmeits
| Year: 2014 | Pages: 32
Het KNMI-programma Hisklim (Historisch Klimaat)
Het KNMI heeft een grote achterstand bij het digitaliseren, bewerken, beschik-baar stellen en beh...
Theo Brandsma, Frits Koek, Hendrik Wallbrink, Günther Können | Year: 2000 | Pages: 72
Rainfall generator for the Rhine basin: Description of simulations using gridded precipitation datasets and uncertainty analysis
The rainfall generator has been used to generate long synthetic series of daily precipitation and...
Maurice Schmeits, Erwin Wolters, Jules Beersma, Adri Buishand | Year: 2014 | Pages: 29