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First 878 results for ” E rady”

  1. Radar scattering from modulated wind waves

    GJ Komen, WA Oost | Year: 1989 | Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers


  2. Intercomparison of models for radiative transfer in clouds

    RA Roebeling, D Jolivet, A Macke, L Berk, A Feijt | Conference: 11th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation and the 11th Conference on Cloud Physics | Organisation: AMS | Place: Ogden, USA | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  3. Evaluation of three Radar Product Processors

    Currently KNMI is preparing a technical upgrade of the weather radar systems to extend their oper...

    I Holleman, H Beekhuis | Year: 2005 | Pages: 44


  4. Upper Air Wind Measurements by Weather Radar

    Doppler weather radars can be employed to determine wind profiles at a high temporal resolution. ...

    I Holleman, H Benschop, J van der Meulen | Conference: WMO Technical Conference (TECO-2005) | Organisation: WMO | Place: Bucharest | Year: 2005 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  5. Quality of Radar Echo Top Heights

    L DeLobbe, I Holleman | Conference: 32nd conference on radar meteorology | Organisation: AMS | Place: Albuquerque | Year: 2005 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0
