Scheepswaarnemingen voor numerieke weersverwachting - zinvol of achterhaald?
Numerieke weermodellen worden steeds geavanceerder en beter. Daarnaast is het aantal waarnemingen...
GJ Marseille | Journal: Meteorologisch Informatiebulletin Maritiem | Year: 2007 | First page: 6 | Last page: 11
Ship observations for numerical weather prediction - useful or redundant?
Numerical weather prediction (NWP) models tend to become more advanced. In addition the number of...
GJ Marseille | Journal: Meteorologisch Informatiebulletin Maritiem | Year: 2007 | First page: 6 | Last page: 11
The added value of prospective spaceborne Doppler wind lidar for extreme weather events
Lacking an established methodology to test the potential impact of prospective extensions to the ...
GJ Marseille | Conference: 29th EWGLAM and 14th SRNWP Meetings | Place: Dubrovnik | Year: 2007 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0
Doppler Radar Wind Profiles
In this scientific report, an intercomparison of different implementations of the VAD and VVP ret...
I Holleman | Year: 2003
Hail detection using single-polarization radar
Within the framework of the project ``Development of a product for detection of severe weather ph...
I Holleman | Year: 2001