Sensitivity analysis of NOx emission estimates
To study the sensitivity of the DECSO algorithm to the type of model, we implemented two versions...
J Ding, RJ van der A, B Mijling, J Bai | Conference: Dragon 3 Mid-Term Results Symposium | Organisation: ESA | Place: Chengdu, P.R. China | Year: 2014 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0
The effective viscosity of a channel-type porous medium.
An expression for the effective viscosity (mu_e) of a homogeneous channel-type porous medium has ...
WP Breugem | Status: published | Journal: Physics of Fluids | Volume: 19 | Year: 2007 | doi: 10.1063/1.2792323
A note on wind speed and sea state dependence of the heat exchange coefficient
Both, mean and wave-induced motions generate turbulence in the
air flow above sea waves. Assuming...
VK Makin | Status: published | Journal: Bound.-Layer Meteorol. | Volume: 91 | Year: 1999 | First page: 127 | Last page: 134
Two and a half years of country-wide rainfall maps using radio links from commercial cellular telecommunication networks
Although rainfall estimation employing microwave links from cellular telecommunication networks i...
A Overeem, H Leijnse, R Uijlenhoet | Status: published | Journal: Water Resour. Res. | Volume: 52 | Year: 2016 | First page: 8039 | Last page: 8065 | doi: 10.1002/2016WR019412
A balanced approximation of the one-layer shallow-water equations on a sphere
A global version of the equivalent barotropic vorticity equation is derived for the one-layer sha...
WTM Verkley | Status: published | Journal: J. Atmos. Sci. | Volume: 66 | Year: 2009 | First page: 1735 | Last page: 1748 | doi: 10.1175/2008JAS2837.1