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First 1232 results for ” JJ Schauer”

  1. ERS Scatterometer Ambiguity Removal Scheme Comparison

    Scatterometers provide ambiguous winds and ambiguity removal (AR) schemes exist to select a uniqu...

    A Stoffelen, S de Haan, Y Quilfen, H Schyberg | Year: 2000


  2. Analysis Scheme in the Ensemble Kalman Filter

    This paper discusses an important issue related to the implementation and interpretation of t...

    G Burgers, PJ van Leeuwen, G Evensen | Status: published | Journal: Mon. Wea. Rev. | Volume: 126 | Year: 1998 | First page: 1719 | Last page: 1724


  3. An efficient training scheme for supermodels

    Weather and climate models have improved steadily over time as witnessed by objective skill score...

    Francine J. Schevenhoven, Frank M. Selten | Journal: Earth System Dynamics | Volume: 8 | Year: 2017 | First page: 429 | Last page: 438 | doi:


  4. Klimaat voor Amsterdam Airport Schiphol

    Amsterdam Airport Schiphol en Luchtverkeersleiding Nederland dienen voorafgaand aan ieder gebruik...

    A. Smits | Year: 2001 | Pages: 23


  5. Stationsbeschrijving windwaarneming Schiphol periode 1937-1980

    Stationsbeschrijving windwaarneming Schiphol periode 1937-1980

    B. Oemraw | Year: 1981 | Pages: 37
