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First 469 results for ” P.A.; Turki”

  1. The parameterization of vertical turbulent mixing processes in a General Circulation Model of the Tropical Pacific

    General circulation models (GCM's) of the equatorial Pacific have some common problems. Equatoria...

    G. Janssen | Year: 1992 | Pages: 75


  2. Cost-optimal reliable power generation in a deep decarbonisation future

    B van Zuylen, W Zappa, W Turkenburg, G van der Schrier | Status: published | Journal: Applied Energy | Volume: 253 | Year: 2019 | First page: 113587 | doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.113587


  3. The fog above sea problem in Harmonie: Part II Experiences with the RACMO turbulence scheme

    The ASTEX intercomparison case clearly reveals that the Harmonie turbulence scheme has too little...

    WC de Rooy, G Lenderink, EV van der Plas, J Barkmeijer | Journal: Aladin-Hirlam Newsletter | Year: 2014 | First page: 59 | Last page: 68


  4. Overall tuning of the turbulence scheme of HIRLAM with the focus on the stable boundary layer

    Under stable conditions

    EIF de Bruijn, ABC Tijm | Journal: HIRLAM Newsletter | Year: 2008 | First page: 32 | Last page: 36


  5. Wave-turbulence interactions observed in the lower stratosphere by the Proust UHF radar and GPS radiosoundings

    F Bertin, PFJ van Velthoven, P Bessemoulin, R Ney, M Massebeuf | Status: published | Journal: J. Atmos. and Sol. Terr. Phys. | Volume: 61 | Year: 1999 | First page: 663 | Last page: 673
