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First 872 results for ” RG Harrison”

  1. Arctic ozone loss in threshold conditions: Match observations in 1997/1998 and 1998/1999

    A Schulz, M Rex, NRP Harris, GO Braathen, E Remier, R Alfier, I Kilbane-Dawe, S Eckermann, MAF Allaart, M Alpers, B Bojkov, J Cisneros, H Claude, E Cuevas, J Davies, and others | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 106 | Year: 2001 | First page: 7495 | Last page: 7503 | doi: 10.1029/2000JD900653


  2. Interim report on the validation of Harmonie

    For the derivation of the Hydraulic Boundary Conditions, information of extreme winds over open-w...

    P Baas, H de Waal | Year: 2012


  3. Evaluation of HARMONIE in the KNMI Parameterisation Testbed

    EIF de Bruijn, WC de Rooy | Status: published | Journal: Advances in Science and Research | Year: 2012


  4. Evaluation of HARMONIE simulations for 16 historical storms

    P Baas | Year: 2013


  5. Experiences with a strong outflow case in Harmonie

    J Barkmeijer | Journal: HIRLAM Newsletter | Year: 2009
