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First 442 results for ” Dan Tong”

  1. Modelling the wet deposition of reduced nitrogen over the British Isles

    Wet deposition of reduced nitrogen is estimated for the United Kingdom using a Lagrangian long-te...

    N Fournier, KJ Weston, AJ Dore, MA Sutton | Status: published | Journal: Quart. J. Royal Meteorol. Soc. | Volume: 131 | Year: 2005 | First page: 703 | Last page: 722


  2. Emerging signals of climate change from the equator to the poles: new insights into a warming world

    The reality of human-induced climate change is unequivocal and exerts an ever-increasing global i...

    Matthew Collins, Jonathan D Beverley, Thomas J Bracegirdle, Jennifer Catto, Michelle McCrystall, Andrea Dittus, Nicolas Freychet, Jeremy Grist, Gabriele C Hegerl, Paul R Holland, Caroline Holmes, Simon A Josey, Manoj Joshi, Ed Hawkins, Eunice Lo, Natalie Lord, Dann Mitchell, Paul-Arthur Monerie, Matthew DK Priestley, Adam Scaife, James Screen, Natasha Senior, David Sexton, Emily Shuckburgh, Stefan Siegert, Charles Simpson, David B Stephenson, Rowan Sutton, Vikki Thompson, Laura J Wilcox, Tim Woollings | Journal: Frontiers in Science | Volume: 2 | Year: 2024 | doi:


  3. Survey of data assimilation methods for convective-scale numerical weather prediction at operational centres

    Data assimilation (DA) methods for convective-scale numerical weather predictionat operational ce...

    Nils Gustafsson, Tijana Janjić, Christoph Schraff, Daniel Leuenberger, Martin Weissmann, Hendrik Reich, Pierre Brousseau, Thibaut Montmerle, Eric Wattrelot, Antonín Bučánek, Máté Mile, Rafiq Hamdi, Magnus Lindskog, Jan Barkmeijer, Mats Dahlbom, Bruce Macpherson, Sue Ballard, Gordon Inverarity, Jacob Carley, Curtis Alexander, David Dowell, Shun Liu, Yasutaka Ikuta, Tadashi Fujita | Status: published | Journal: Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | Volume: 144 | Year: 2017 | doi:


  4. Survey of data assimilation methods for convective-scale numerical weather prediction at operational centres

    Data assimilation (DA) methods for convective-scale numerical weather prediction at operational c...

    Nils Gustafsson1 Tijana Janjic ́2 Christoph Schraff3 Daniel Leuenberger4 Martin Weissmann5 Hendrik Reich5 Pierre Brousseau6 Thibaut Montmerle6 Eric Wattrelot6 Antonín Bucˇánek7 Máté Mile8 Rafiq Hamdi9 Magnus Lindskog1 Jan Barkmeijer10 Mats Dahlbom11 Bruce Macpherson12 Sue Ballard12 Gordon Inverarity12 Jacob Carley13 Curtis Alexander14 David Dowell14 Shun Liu13 Yasutaka Ikuta15 Tadashi Fujita15 | Journal: Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, | Volume: 144 | Year: 2018 | First page: 1218 | Last page: 1256 | doi: 10.1002/qj.3179


  5. Scatterometer Sea Surface Wind Product Validation for HY-2C

    The Chinese HY-2C satellite was launched on Sep. 21, 2020, carrying the new Ku-band scatterometer...

    Zhixiong Wang, Juhong Zou, Ad Stoffelen, Wenming Lin, Anton Verhoef, Xiuzhong Li, Yijun He, Youguang Zhang, Mingsen Lin | Journal: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing | Volume: 14 | Year: 2021 | doi:
