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First 534 results for ” VK Semenov”

  1. Drivers of Caribbean precipitation change due to global warming: analyses and emergent constraint of CMIP6 simulations

    Using 31 CMIP6 models we have analyzed projected future Caribbean precipitation. The model mean p...

    Marta Brotons, Rein Haarsma, Nadia Bloemendaal, Hylke de Vries, Teddy Allen | Journal: Climate Dynamics | Volume: 62 | Year: 2024 | First page: 3395 | Last page: 3415 | doi:


  2. Improving our understanding of future tropical cyclone intensities in the Caribbean using a high-resolution regional climate model

    The Caribbean region is prone to the strong winds and low air pressures of tropical cyclones and ...

    Job C. M. Dullaart, Hylke de Vries, Nadia Bloemendaal, Jeroen C. J. H. Aerts, Sanne Muis | Journal: Scientific Reports | Volume: 14 | Year: 2024 | doi:


  3. Model verticale windsnelheid

    Een bestaand model om de stijgsnelheid van de radiosonde ballon te berekenen mbv de gemeten tempe...

    S Thewessem | Year: 2013


  4. Pluimradar: A fast user friendly web-based dispersion tool for emergency response

    G Geertsema | Conference: 15th Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes | Place: Madrid | Year: 2013 | First page: 763 | Last page: 766


  5. Re-analysis of meteorology for the 1994 European Tracer Experiment using present day modeling techniques.

    GT Geertsema | Conference: ANS 2008 EP&R and R&RS Topical meeting, | Organisation: ANS | Place: Albuquerque | Year: 2008 | First page: 155 | Last page: 161
