The air-sea interaction (ASI) submesoscale: Physics and impact
During a 2023 Lorentz Workshop in Leiden, the Netherlands, a diverse community working in
Louise Nuijens, Jacob Wenegrat, Paco Lopez Dekker, Claudia Pasquero, Larry W. O’Neill, Fabrice Ardhuin, Alex Ayet, Peter Bechtold, William Bruch, Lucas C. Laurindo, Xuanyu Chen,
Fabien Desbiolles, Ralph Foster, Ivy Frenger, Geet George, Rianne Giesen, Emily E. Hayden,
Momme Hell, Suneil Iyer, Josh Kousal, Nathan Laxague, Luc Lenain, Mariana Maia Pacheco,
Agostino N. Meroni, Shoshiro Minobe, Caroline Muller, Owen O’Driscoll, Vera Oerder, Nick
Pizzo, Dian Putrasahan, Jean-Luc Redelsperger, Lionel Renault, Björn Rommen, Cesar Sauvage,
Niklas Schneider, Mingming Shao, Pier Siebesma, Justin Small, Bjorn Stevens, Ad Stoffelen,
Ehud Strobach, Peter Sullivan, Elizabeth J. Thompson, LuAnne Thompson, Igor Uchoa, Doug
Vandemark, Bia Villas Boas, Bowen Yang, Dongxiao Zhang, Seth Zippel | Year: 2024
State of the climate 2018 - Chapter 6 Antarctic - 2018 Antarctic Ozone Hole
N. Kramarova, P. A. Newman,E. R. Nash, S. E. Strahan, C. S. Long, B. Johnson, M. Pitt...
ATJ de Laat | Status: published | Journal: BAMS | Volume: 9 | Year: 2019 | First page: S185 | Last page: S187 | doi: 10.1175/2019BAMSStateoftheClimate.1.
Decadal variability in the South Atlantic Ocean
Using data from the NCEP/NCAR renalysis the propagation path of ST anomalies inthe South Atlantic...
A Sterl | Journal: CLIVAR Exchanges | Volume: 6 | Year: 2001 | First page: 20 | Last page: 22
The North Icelandic Jet and its contribution to the Denmark Strait overflow water
Denmark Strait overflow water (DSOW) is a main contributor to the formation of the deep branch of...
C Corsaro, A Sterl | Status: submitted | Journal: Geophys. Res. Lett. | Year: 2013
A Bayesian approach for multi-model downscaling: Seasonal forecasting of regional rainfall and river flows in South America
This study addresses three issues: spatial downscaling, calibration, and combination of seasonal ...
CAS Coelho, DB Stephenson, FJ Doblas-Reyes, M Balmaseda, GJ van Oldenborgh | Status: published | Journal: Meteorological Applications (Royal Met. Society) | Volume: 13 | Year: 2006 | First page: 73 | Last page: 82 | doi: 10.1017/S1350482705002045